
The Curves Tab provides access to drawing tools for basic creating curve and 2D entities as well as the Box entity. Save, Copy, Transformation and View Manipulation tools are also included.

File Group
Save the file to disk, with option to save as another name or add a incrementing number to the end of the file name.
Model Management
Undo the last model changes.
Redo, in sequence, changes that have previous been Undo.  Making a new change clears the Redo sequence.
Copies the currently selected geometry to the clipboard.  On the menu, Copy View to Windows Clipboard copies the screen view as a bitmap (image) or windows metafile (vector) to the clipboard so that is can be pasted into other documentation, such as in Microsoft Office applications
Pastes geometry into the current project that has previously been copied to the clipboard.  On the menu, the Paste Geometry from Clipboard option attempts to extract coordinate data stored as comma, tab or space separated text in the clipboard and interpret as polyline, curve or mesh data
Deletes the currently selected entities.
Allows selected entities to be translated, copied or arrayed if supported.
Allows selected entities to be rotated, copied or arrayed if supported.
Allows selected entities to be scaled or copied if supported. The provision to scaling the model between standard units is also supported.
Allows selected entities to be mirrored or copied if supported.
Select and View
Select entities. Press F2 to edit.
Interactive Zoom in and out on the Left mouse button. Roll the mouse wheel for the same effect. Can also be set as the middle mouse button/mouse wheel click behaviour depending on the settings in PolyCAD Options.
Pan the screen.  Can also be set as the middle mouse button/mouse wheel click behaviour depending on the settings in PolyCAD Options.
Rotates the view either at the centre of the model or at the focal point of the screen.  Can also be set as the middle mouse button/mouse wheel click behaviour depending on the settings in PolyCAD Options.
Zoom all
Zoom to display the selected entity.
Zoom area described by the interactively drawn rectangle.
Zoom to the previous view.
Zoom in by 10%.
Zoom out by 10%.
Toggle between parallel and perspective projections.
View the model in the YZ plane/Hull Cross Section Plane.
View the model in the XY/Plan/Waterline plane.
View the model in the XZ/Elevation/Buttock plane.
Display the selected entities or, if none selected displays all entities, as detailed wire frame.
Display the selected entities or, if none selected displays all entities, as shaded surfaces if appropriate for the entity.
Hides the selected entities or, if none selected hides all entities.
Selects all visible entities
Deselects all entities
Toggles the selection of all displayed entities.
Draws a Box.
Draws a simple reference Point Cloud.
Draws a Plane. Options on the menu allow a plane to be Least Squares Fit to points defined on a curve.
Draws an Image Plane.
Draws an Arc.
Draws a Circle
Draws a Polyline.  Options on the menu can be used to generate a polyline by:
  • Projecting a polyline onto a plane.
  • Projecting two curves together
  • Intersection of two planes
Draws a BSpline curve. Options on the menu allow a BSpline Curve to be generated by Least Squares Fitting to a Polyline or other Curves.
Draws a Cubic Spline curve.
Draws a Interpolating Cubic BSpline curve.